
In this section you will find individual sermons taught by Pastor Jim Lehman that are not part of a sermon series.

Forest Heights is blessed to have a number of men who are able to fill the pulpit in Pastor Jim's absence.

What happens when God doesn’t act according to our expectations? We learn with the prophet that we must trust God and conform our lives to his sovereign will in an expression of our faith in him.

What is a Christian? How can I tell what a true Christian looks like? John answers these questions in three letters showing that a Christian lives distinctly in the world, like a light shining in darkness.

A prophet’s marriage to a prostitute and their ensuing sordid family life becomes a living illustration of God’s patient, merciful, and compassionate dealings with his unfaithful, idolatrous people.

Pastor Jim explores the nature of our life in Christ and its implications for our daily walk.

Pastor Jim goes back to the four songs of praise sung in Luke’s account of the Christmas story (Luke 1-2) to help us see more clearly the reason for our abiding joy.

Pastor Jim examines the merciful and gracious character of God towards a defiant people—and a defiant prophet.

Pastor Jim demonstrates how our future destiny guides us to faithful living in the present even when we suffer intensely.

Preached during the 2008 Summer Olympics, Pastor Jim teaches on selected passages from Hebrews 10-12 which use athletic metaphors to help relate truth about living the Christian life.